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* Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors NYC Law

New York City law requires the installation and maintenance of smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Both property owners and tenants have responsibilities to ensure that all New Yorkers remain safe in their homes from the dangers of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning (carbon monoxide is an odorless and highly toxic gas).


Owner Requirements

Residential owners are required to ensure that tenants are provided with both carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.

Owners of all multiple dwellings (Class A and Class B Multiple Dwellings) and one- and two-family homes (non-owner occupied) are required to:

  • Provide and install at least one approved and operational carbon monoxide and smoke detector within each dwelling unit.
    • In Class A Multiple Dwellings, install at least one detector within fifteen feet of the primary entrance to each room lawfully used for sleeping purposes.
    • In Class B Dwellings, install at least one detector within each dwelling unit or a line-operated zoned carbon monoxide and smoke detector system throughout the multiple dwelling in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the New York City Department of Buildings.
    • In one- and two-family homes (non-owner occupied units), at least one approved and operational detector within each dwelling unit, including at least one carbon monoxide detector within fifteen feet of the primary entrance to each room lawfully used for sleeping purposes.
  • Replace any carbon monoxide and smoke detector periodically upon the expiration of its useful life or when it has been stolen, removed, is missing, or rendered inoperable before a new tenant moves in if the prior tenant did not replace it.
    • In Class A Multiple Dwellings, replace any detector within 30 days if it becomes inoperable within one year of installation due to a defect and no fault of the occupant.
  • Ensure that the installed carbon monoxide alarm is equipped with an end-of-life alarm.
  • When a carbon monoxide detector is installed, provide a notice to at least one adult occupant of each dwelling unit regarding the testing and maintenance of the detector, including general information concerning carbon monoxide poisoning and what to do if an alarm goes off, that carbon monoxide detectors have a useful life limitation, and that the owner has a duty to replace such alarms upon the expiration of such useful life.
  • Post notices regarding carbon monoxide (Class A Multiple Dwellings and one- and two-family homes only) and smoke detectors (Class A Multiple Dwellings only). A Combined Notice for smoke detectors/carbon monoxide detectors and gas leak notice can be used. Section 12-12.1 of Chapter 12 of the Rules of the City of New York describes conditions under which a combined notice may be used.
  • Keep, and provide upon request, records relating to the installation and maintenance of:
    • Smoke detectors (provide to HPD): Recordkeeping requirements are contained in Sections 12-01 and 12-03 of Title 28 of the Rules of the City of New York (excluding one- and two-family homes).
    • Carbon monoxide detectors (provide to HPD, DOB, DOHMH or FDNY). Recordkeeping requirements are contained in Sections 12-06 and 12-09 of Chapter 12 of Title 28 of the Rules of the City of New York.
    • Never paint over detectors


Tenant Responsibilities

Tenants are responsible for maintaining both devices:

  • Test all carbon monoxide and smoke detectors at least once a month.
  • Replace the batteries (only the recommended type) in carbon monoxide and smoke detectors at least twice a year.
  • Listen for an alarm sound when the battery is low, and replace the battery immediately.
  • Never paint over detectors.

Tenants are responsible for replacing a detector which has been stolen, removed, missing, or rendered inoperable during occupancy:

  • Tenants who live in a Class A building (permanent occupancy) must reimburse the building owner $25 for each smoke detector and each carbon monoxide detector, or $50 for each joint smoke/carbon monoxide detector that is newly installed or installed as a result of the occupant’s failure to maintain the detector, or where the detector has been lost or damaged by the occupant. The occupant has one year from the date of installation to make a payment.
  • Tenants who live in class B buildings (transient use) are not required to reimburse property owners for either device.
  • Tenants in private dwellings (1-2 family homes) must reimburse the building owner $25 for each carbon monoxide detector that is newly installed or installed as a result of the occupant’s failure to maintain the detector, or where the detector has been lost or damaged by the occupant. The occupant has one year from the date of installation to make a payment.


DISCLAIMER to comply with the New York City Consumer Protection Law which applies to all businesses operating in New York City: We are small family-owned and family-operated Brooklyn-based business. We are not a City of New York store nor are the website, products or services affiliated with the City of New York or any agency of the City of New York. We ourselves, our business, websites, products, services, or any hyperlinks from its website are not sponsored by, approved by, affiliated with, endorsed by, or connected to the City of New York or any agency of the City of New York, including but not limited to HPD, DOB, DOT, DSNY, FDNY and federal directly or by implication.

DISCLAIMER These codes may not be the most recent version. The State / federal or other regulation department may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.

The requirements for detector are determined by intended use and by applicable regulation. The BUYER is responsible for determining the appropriate detector needed.  WE makes no warranty or representation of suitability of a detector to any code or  for any specific application. IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE DETECTORS THE CUSTOMER ORDERS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL STATE, FEDERAL, LOCAL, AND MUNICIPAL LAWS. Please review terms and conditions prior to purchase. 

For more information about what is required, see the laws that are referenced and the rules applicable to your city and state. This page is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice, professional advice or a statement of law. You may wish to consult with an attorney.